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Eye Roles: A Quick Look at the Importance of Eye Health
When was the last time you thought about the health of your eyes? For people who are blessed with the gift of eyesight, being able to see is the most natural thing next to breathing. We wouldn’t normally fuss over our eyes until something goes wrong or until something hurts. But the thing with our eyes is that they do way more than enable us to see and visualize–and yep, we made a list. But before we get down to that, let’s take a look at the basics.
Sight vs. Vision: What’s the Difference?
We often see the words sight and vision used interchangeably but they are actually two different things. Sight refers to the sensorial experience of seeing wherein the eyes see objects when light reflects on them or when we see them move. In other words, it’s how you know that cheese is yellow. Vision, on the other hand, is the concept of being able to interpret and understand what you see. If we go back to our cheese analogy, vision is being able to infer you can use this particular yellow cheese for sandwiches and sauces.
It should go without saying that sight and vision are crucial to everyday life, but having healthy eyes enables us to do so much more besides telling cheeses apart. Without further ado, ahead are important functions of our eyes in everyday life–
- Our eyes take and retain information.
Did You Know? 80% of the information we perceive is through sight. In fact, our eyes and brain work directly with each other to receive, integrate, and process information so that we can use this knowledge when a situation calls for it.
The dynamics between the eyes and brain also mean that any threats to eye health may also affect cognitive processes and mental health. When our eyes are healthy, we are capable of experiencing everything we see, hear, smell, taste, and touch and process this information so that we can respond accordingly especially in social settings. This may mean being able to function well at work, understand lessons better, or being responding aptly to social cues and everyday interactions.
Furthermore, keeping healthy eyes accustomed to seeing familiar people, places, and objects helps reinforce memories. On the other hand, exposing yourself to new things and experiences help develop the ability to visualize and understand what you see.
- Our eyes keep us safe.
Just imagine navigating everyday life without seeing properly–you probably can’t. Our sight and vision help us become aware of our surroundings and tell us if we might be in danger. It’s your eyes that tell you whether it’s safe to cross the street, they let you check if your food has gone bad or is still good for consumption, and they make sure you drive safely. Being able to see properly especially when there is limited light is crucial to our safety and the people around us which means we have to take eye care seriously even if sometimes that means getting glasses, contact lenses, or medication.
- Our eyes hold a lot of information about our health.
Eye exams come in different types depending on what you want to learn about the health of your eyes, or your body for that matter. Some of the basic ones include visual acuity test to see how clear your eyesight is versus the standard 20/20 vision, retinoscopy and refraction tests to determine the right lenses for eyes that require glasses, and peripheral visual field test which examines your visual field and peripheral vision. All these tests and more help keep your vision as precise as possible.
These days, however, more specialized tests have been developed to help diagnose illnesses For instance, diabetic retinopathy reveals damaged retinal blood vessels that may be caused by complications in diabetes, which if not addressed can lead to loss of vision. Other advanced tests can also clue in doctors to signs of liver disease, brain tumors, and high blood pressure, as well as common eye diseases like macular degeneration and cataracts.
In addition, staying in during the pandemic meant significant increase in screen time and strained eyes for a lot of people. Whether you’ve been working or studying at home in the last couple of years or just rediscovering the joys of watching TV, do your eyes a favor and get your eyes checked at least once a year to determine your eye health and see if you may be experiencing vision-related concerns. You can also have your prescription glasses or contact lenses updated if you’re already wearing one to ensure that your spectacles are calibrated according to your visual acuity.
- Our eyes fight diseases.
A healthy pair of eyes play a big role in preventing eye diseases such as age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, and cataracts. And without eye illnesses, you also prevent the symptoms they come with such as headaches, fatigue, and at times temporary blindness which can happen when your optic nerves sustain damage. Keep in mind that some eye illnesses do not manifest symptoms at early stages which stresses the importance of not just keeping your eyes nourished but getting checked as well.
You see, taking care of our eyes is not just about ensuring our eyesight and vision are in good shape. They also serve as good reminders to take care of our overall health. The good news is that eye care is something you can get started while you’re young. Eating Vitamin A-rich food sources is still one of the best ways to nourish the eyes. It’s also worth remembering to protect them from physical damage by wearing glasses or goggles when doing intense activities, and to wear sunglasses when you’re out in the daytime to protect them from the sun’s rays. Adequate rest and sleep is crucial as well so consider giving your eyes a break from screens before bed.
Finally, you can help nourish your eyes by taking ClearSight, a safe and tested eye food supplement made with lutein, beta carotene, zinc, omega-3, and Vitamin E which all help maintain eye health and protect them from age-related macular degeneration. Learn more about ClearSight and shop your own pack by clicking here.